There are four (4) lines of defense for American citizens.
- The U.S. military – currently at its strongest ever, will have the budget slashed while China is rapidly matching us with its stolen technology and even surpassing us in some areas.
- Border Security – construction of the border fencing has been stopped immediately preventing construction companies to close gaps and prepare as much before cessation was to take place. This now leaves thousands unemployed and American citizens in those border states left exposed to illegal aliens who will be allowed to freely enter (after being given a court date – which 99% never show up for). Few have been inoculated or vaccinated and virtually none wear masks or practice social distancing. Obviously, Covid-19 cases will certainly rise. But to Hell with our safety and our security. It looks like only tax paying American citizens have to abide by the rules. Yeah, that seems fair. They will also receive free healthcare and compete for our jobs despite homeless American veterans left sleeping on the street in many cases.
- Law Enforcement – Whether you like the police or not, they do protect the communities as a whole. A city without police will see total anarchy in very short order. One only needs to look at those cities where the police have been told to stand down and you will clearly see riots, looting, the burning of businesses, carjackings, armed robberies and murders being committed at record rates. Yet the goal is to still defund the police in many communities. Why?
- That leaves Us. That’s right . . . we, the people. WE ae our family’s own 1st Responders. It is up to us to protect ourselves and our loved ones. There is no one else to depend upon. Yet with this House Bill, proposed on January 4, 2021, our rights to bear arms will be severely restricted.
Without a 2nd Amendment to preserve our God-given rights to protect and defend ourselves, we will be left defenseless. The exact same thing happened in the 1930’s under Hitler. Turn in your guns, they said. This will reduce crime, they said And don’t worry, we will protect you. HA. We know how that turned out. This also occurred under Stalin and Mao. Tens of millions were murdered by their governments once they had their guns taken away.
Needless to say, I am extremely concerned about the future of our country.
I thought I would share this with several recent students and friends.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee recently submitted a House Bill in order to significantly limit our 2nd Amendment rights. These proposed new anti-gun laws have no impact on criminals as they do not obey laws to begin with. This will only affect the law abiding. However, there are already 20,000+ gun laws on the books nationwide! How is adding one, two or ten more going to change anything? Instead of going after the ones committing the crimes, they want to go after guns, despite the fact that guns are used up to 2 million times per year to PREVENT crime! It is not the gun, it is the person holding the gun.
While politicians and the wealthy Hollywood ‘elites’ have armed body guards to protect them, as well as state-of-the-art camera systems and high fences and walls to secure their homes, the rest of us peons will be left defenseless. This bill is also highly discriminatory as it will certainly impact the poorest segments of our society the most; those who can’t afford the taxes and fees incorporated in this bill. Hmm, good to know they care about the rights of all the citizens.
Without our second Amendment rights, we will become slaves. Without the second amendment, we will lose our 1st Amendment. But, we’re seeing that already. If what you write or say doesn’t fit a certain agenda, you are blocked or censored. Reminds me of the old USSR.
A disarmed populace becomes helpless sheep waiting to be slaughtered. Our Founding Fathers added the 2nd Amendment so that we could defend ourselves from any enemy, both foreign and domestic AND to protect us from a tyrannical government. Interesting that they want to deny us use of our more powerful guns or those with higher magazine capacities.
All of this is done under the guise of ‘making us more safe.’ Yet criminals will still have their guns. We will not.
It is NOT about safety. It is about CONTROL.
Feel better?
See Nazi Germany.